Lip & Tongue-Tie Treatment Eugene

Gentle Laser Treatment for Tethered Oral Tissues

Family of four grinning outdoors after lip and tongue tie treatment in Eugene

Lip and tongue ties are a common occurrence among infants, children, and adults, although the earliest signs are most commonly noticed by nursing parents. These conditions can have a drastic impact on a baby’s ability to eat, and as they get older, speak and breathe. At Smile Institute, we utilize the latest technology, like our soft tissue laser, to precisely, painlessly, and gently remove overgrown oral tissues to free the lips and tongue’s movements for better oral function. Call our dental office today to learn more about this procedure or schedule an appointment for lip and tongue-tie treatment in Eugene.

Why Choose Smile Institute for Tongue & Lip-Tie?

  • Painless Soft Tissue Laser Frenectomies
  • Consultation & Treatment Completed in One Visit
  • Quick Treatment & More Comfortable Recovery

Common Signs of Infant Tongue/Lip-Tie

Baby drinking milk from a bottle

While every baby is unique, lip and tongue ties tend to lead to a set of common symptoms, including:

  • Inability to latch while nursing
  • Irritability while nursing
  • Falling asleep while nursing
  • Poor weight gain
  • Digestive issues (colic)
  • Dribbling milk while nursing or bottle feeding
  • Difficulty latching using a bottle or pacifier
  • Frequent mastitis
  • Compromised milk supply
  • Nipple pain or damage due to chewing, gumming, etc.

Tongue and Lip Tie Assessment

Close up of person lifting up and stretching their upper lip

Dr. Sutter will begin your child’s consultation with a thorough assessment of their frenulum, which are the pieces of tissue that connect their lips to their gums and their tongue to the floor of their mouth. In some cases, lip and tongue ties are so mild that treatment isn’t required. However, in more severe cases, Dr. Sutter and our team may recommend a same day frenectomy.

Treatment of Tongue and Lip-Tie

Machine with small screen attached to a pen like dental device

Lip and tongue tie treatments are called frenectomies. Dr. Sutter utilizes a special soft tissue laser to complete this procedure instead of surgical scissors and sutures, eliminating the need for general anesthesia and complex medications. This is because the laser gently evaporates the tissue and kills oral bacteria and cauterizes on-contact, drastically minimizing post-operative discomfort, bleeding, and swelling.

We typically complete laser frenectomies after Dr. Sutter’s assessment and an overview of the procedure. These procedures are fast, simple, and easy, so there’s no need for special preparation. Due to laser safety recommendations, parents aren’t allowed in the treatment room during the procedure, but they are encouraged to stay with their baby before and afterward.

Post-Frenectomy Follow-Up

Young girl smiling at the dentist with her mother

Our team will provide you with a list of exercises to complete at home after your child’s frenectomy, and we’ll schedule a follow-up appointment around one week post-op. This visit will only take 30 minutes or so unless you require additional support or education. We recommend ample skin-to-skin contact, feedings, and warm baths to help soothe your child afterward.

It's important to keep in mind that releasing lip and tongue ties won’t automatically allow your child to nurse more effectively or better—seeing improvements may take a little bit of time. We often recommend and will help parents partner with board-certified lactation consultants, bodyworkers (physical therapy, etc.), speech-language pathologists, and myofunctional therapists. These types of therapies can help your baby realize and navigate their new oral functioning abilities as well as reduce feeding stress, improve strength, and improve overall feeding progress following their frenectomy.