Same-Day Dentures Eugene

Replace Your Missing Teeth in One Day

Three women outdoors smiling with same day dentures in Eugene

After a tooth extraction, some tooth loss methods require weeks of healing before the gums can support your denture. With same-day dentures in Eugene, Dr. Sutter can fit you with a customized pair of dentures the same day as your extraction so you don’t feel like you have to hide your smile from the world until your extraction sites of fully healed. Call our dental office today to learn more about this process and schedule a consultation.

Why Choose Smile Institute for Same-Day Dentures?

  • Replace an Arch of Teeth in a Single Appointment
  • Custom-Crafted Prosthetics Designed for Individual Patients
  • A Dentist with Years of Experience & Knowledge

What Are Same-Day Dentures?

Gloved hand holding a full denture

Unlike traditional dentures that require multiple appointments to be properly fitted for and crafted, same-day dentures allow our team to replace extracted teeth the same day so our patients don’t have to go without teeth. They’re made from the same quality materials as traditional dentures and custom-fitted for your oral structure.

Are You a Good Candidate for Same-Day Dentures?

Man in dental chair looking at his teeth in mirror

Same-day dentures are typically an excellent option for patients who need extractions and will need a denture afterward, but they don’t want to wait to have their teeth replaced. After Dr. Sutter and our Smile Institute team have a chance to examine your teeth and gums and take X-rays of your mouth, we’ll be able to let you know if you’re a good candidate for this procedure.

How Same-Day Dentures Work

Dentist holding putty impression of teeth

Before your tooth extraction procedure, our team will get a mold of your mouth that we can use to craft your same-day dentures before your procedure day. After Dr. Sutter completes your tooth extraction, you’ll be able to leave our office with a permanent restoration and complete smile without having to wait weeks for your gums to heal. As your extraction sites heal, we’ll make any necessary adjustments to make sure your same-day dentures fit perfectly